25,259,000 peopleCapital
Kuala LumpurCurrency
RinggitMap of Malaysia

Area in square kilometers
329,750 km2 Malaysia in ASEAN Malaysia in ASEAN
Kuala Lumpur
Putrajaya (administrative centre)
3°08′N 101°42′E / 3.133°N 101.7°E / 3.133; 101.
Malaysia (literally Malaysian language) but legislation continues
to refer to the official language as Bahasa Melayu (literally Malay
^ c. English may continue to be used for some official purposes under
the National Language Act 1967.
^ d.
Peninsular Malaysia is connected to Singapore via two
bridges, one which transports traffic and water and a second link just
for traffic. The capital city is Kuala Lumpur, while Putrajaya is the
seat of the federal government. The population is over 27.5 million.
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One of the best things that was ever invented was the camera.
If you want to book a hotel in Malaysia, take a look at our Malaysia
Accommodation section, showcasing a broad range of hotels in Malaysia
including accommodation in Kuala Lumpur for any type of budget.
Bahasa Malaysia/Malay (official), English (official for some
purposes), Chinese dialects (Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien, Teochew,
Hakka, Hainanese, Foochow, Hok-chew), Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam,
Punjabi, and Thai; in addition, several indigenous languages are
spoken in East Malaysia, especially Iban and Kadazan
Malaysia is a country in Southeast Asia, located partly on a
peninsula of the Asian mainland and partly on the northern third of
the island of Borneo.
Malaysia is a mix of the modern world and a developing nation. With
its investment in the high technology industries and moderate oil
wealth, it has become a rich nation in South-East Asia.
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become the Federation of Malaysia in 1963. Singapore gained
independence separately in 1965. Kuala Lumpur is the capital and the
largest city. Population: 24,800,000.
Malaysian Ma·lay'sian adj. & n.
East Malaysia lies on the northwestern part of the island of
Borneo and consists of the states of Sarawak and Sabah. Area: 127,366
sq mi (329,876 sq km). Population: (2010 est.) 28,275,000. Capital:
Kuala Lumpur; administrative centre: Putrajaya.
East Malaysia has coastal plains rising to
hills and then to a mountainous core. Much of Malaysia is covered by
rainforest. Tree crops, notably rubber and palm oil, are the most
important cash crops; rice is the chief staple crop.
(Semenanjung Malaysia), also called West Malaysia (Malaysia Barat), on
the Malay Peninsula, and East Malaysia (Malaysia Timur) on the island
of Borneo.
Malaysia, a member of the Commonwealth, represents the political
marriage of territories that were formerly under British rule. When it
was established on Sept.
Peninsular Malaysia occupies most of the southern segment of the Malay
Peninsula. To the north it is bordered by Thailand, with which it
shares a land boundary of some 300 miles (480 km).
Stay in Malaysia for as long as possible on a multiple-entry social
visit pass. > Read more
Experience Malaysia while living in a traditional kampung-village.
Activities - What is there to do in Malaysia, anyway?People - An introduction to Malaysia's culture, including its arts, crafts, music and national pastimes.History - Follow the visual timeline of Malaysia's History, from the stone age to yesterday.Malaysia's National ParksNight in Taman Negara - When the sunsets behind the rain forest, the show is just beginning.
Malaysians Myths and Legends including the magic of the kris and legends of princesses and sultans.Theater in Malaysia, including Wayang Kulit the famous shadow puppet play.
Malaysia is really like two countries in one, cleaved in half by the
South China Sea. The peninsula is a multicultural buffet of Malay,
Chinese and Indian flavours while Borneo hosts a wild jungle
smorgasbord of orang-utans, granite peaks and remote tribes.
food? Malaysia (particularly along the peninsular west coast) has one
of the best assortments of delicious cuisines in the world.
the beauty of Malaysia lies in the fusion of it all, into a country
that is one of the safest, most stable and easiest to manage in
Southeast Asia.
dalam dua kawasan — Malaysia Barat dan Malaysia Timur — oleh Kepulauan
Natuna, wilayah Indonesia di Laut Cina Selatan. Malaysia berbatasan
dengan Thailand, Indonesia, Singapura, Brunei, dan Filipina. Negara
ini terletak di dekat khatulistiwa dan beriklim tropika.
Malaysia adalah anggota perintis ASEAN dan turut serta di berbagai
organisasi internasional, seperti PBB. Sebagai bekas jajahan
Inggris, Malaysia juga menjadi anggota Negara-Negara Persemakmuran.
Malaysia juga menjadi anggota D-8.
1 Malaysia Barat (Semenanjung)
* 4.2 Malaysia Timur
* 5 Kota-kota Besar
* 6 Geografi
* 6.
South China Sea separates peninsular Malaysia from East Malaysia on
Climate: Tropical.
Nationality: Noun and adjective-Malaysian(s).
Population (2010): 28.3 million.
Annual population growth rate: 1.7%.
Ethnic groups: Malay 53.3%, Chinese 26.0%, indigenous 11.
Malaysia, became independent in 1957. In 1963 Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak,
and Singapore formed Malaysia. Singapore became an independent country
in 1965.)
Constitution: 1957.
Parti Islam se Malaysia (PAS); Parti Keadilan Rakyat Malaysia
(PKR). There are more than 30 registered political parties, including
the foregoing, not all of which are represented in the federal
Suffrage: Universal adult (voting age 21).
electoral system, and for a better Malaysia for all Malaysians.
(The Malaysian Insider) - PAS Youth chief Nasruddin Hassan has
ridiculed the threat by a silat organisation to “wage war” on Bersih
supporters, pointing out that true warriors do not readily resort to
(Free Malaysia Today) - There is a likelihood that Bersih’s Walk for
Democracy will not happen this July 9.
* DKSH Malaysia at a glance
* Investor Relations
* Facts and figures
In Malaysia we focus on integrated solutions,
applications, and service support.
DKSH expands markets in Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam for
instruments maker Helmut Fischer
© DKSH Management Ltd./DKSH Holding Ltd.
(literally Malaysian language) ref but legislation continues to refer
to the official language as Bahasa Melayu (literally Malay language).
Putrajaya is the primary seat of government.
Singapore became an independent country on 9 August 1965.
Malaysia (pronounced /məˈleɪʒə/ or /məˈleɪziə/) is a country that
consists of thirteen states and three federal territories in Southeast
Asia with a total landmass of 329,847 square kilometres (127,355 sq
eighteenth century, and the western half of modern Malaysia was
composed of several separate kingdoms. This group of colonies was
known as British Malaya until its dissolution in 1946, when it was
reorganized as the Federation of Malaya and later recognized as an
independent nation in 1957.
colonies and protectorates in the area of current Malaysia; these were
occupied by Japan from 1942 to 1945. In 1948, the British-ruled
territories on the Malay Peninsula formed the Federation of Malaya,
which became independent in 1957.
and the East Malaysian states of
Sabah and Sarawak on the northern coast of Borneo joined the
MAHATHIR bin Mohamad (1981-2003), Malaysia was successful in
diversifying its economy from dependence on exports of raw materials
to expansion in manufacturing, services, and tourism. Current Prime
Minister Mohamed NAJIB bin Abdul Razak (in office since April 2009)
has continued these pro-business policies.
Map of MalaysiaMap of Malaysia
Head of State: Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud
Prime Minister: Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak (2009)
Land area: 126,853 sq mi (328,549 sq km); total area: 127,316 sq mi
Malaysia Main Page
2. Forming the Independent State of Malaysia
3. Economic Reform and Growth
Malaysia is on the Malay Peninsula in southeast Asia. The nation also
includes Sabah and Sarawak on the island of Borneo to the east. Its
area slightly exceeds that of New Mexico.
Malaysia n (Placename) a federation in SE Asia (within the
Commonwealth), consisting of Peninsular Malaysia on the Malay
Peninsula, and East Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak), occupying the N part
of the island of Borneo: formed in 1963 as a federation of Malaya,
MalaysiaMalaysia - a constitutional monarchy in southeastern Asia on
Borneo and the Malay Peninsula; achieved independence from the United
Kingdom in 1957Malayagodown - (in India and Malaysia) a warehouseal-Ma'unah
- a radical insurgent Islamist group consisting of disaffected
middle-class professionals in Malaysia who want
Group, Malaysian Mujahidin Group - a clandestine group of southeast
Asian terrorists organized in 1993 and trained by al-Qaeda; supports
militant Muslims in Indonesia and the Philippines and has cells in
Singapore and Malaysia and IndonesiaASEAN, Association of Southeast
Asian Nations
As a destination for FDI, Malaysia’s attractiveness is narrowing as
the country becomes less competitive for lower-wage manufacturing. In
response, the GOM seeks to move the economy “up the value chain” by
promoting specific sectors.
nearly equaling Malaysia’s inward flows of USD 6.06 billion.
April 2007, Malaysia moved up from 25th to 24th place in 2006 among
the 178 economies covered in this survey. Malaysia’s best rankings
are in the standardized indicators “getting credit” and “protecting
investors,” where it ranks third and fourth, respectively.
Malaysia Tourist Information
Malaysia is neither the most polished nor the most archaic nation on
the planet – instead, it’s a blend of both.
Yet Malaysia receives a steady stream of visitors – perhaps it’s the
fact that the country’s food is cheap, tasty and varied.
Whatever the case, Malaysia, in a nutshell, is utterly and undeniably
Malaysia Twin TowerMalaysia Landmark PutrajayaFederal administrative
centre of Malaysia CultureMalaysia, Truly Asia Rain Forest World's
Oldest Rainforest IslandsFish's Paradise
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* About Malaysia
* Malaysia in Brief
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1Malaysia or One Malaysia (Malay: Satu Malaysia) is a Malaysian idea
introduced by the sixth Malaysian Prime Minister, Najib Tun Razak on 5
April 2009. The main motto is People First; Performance Now (Rakyat
Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan).